
Hi-Ho Humpies

Have you noticed when you’re fishing with a group of people, there is always one angler who just doesn’t fit in with the group? I don’t mean they have bad breath or a contrary personality. It’s the fish they were catching or not catching. Like the time, I was fishing out of George Inlet Lodge …

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Halibut on a Fly

Rocky Constant’s client for the afternoon halibut tide was casting champion Steve Rajeff. He intends to try and break the halibut 12-pound-line class world record. Rocky put his party on the hole he sought and announced, “Let’s go fishing. The tide is slack, and the fish should be biting.” Steve makes two false casts, then …

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Fish Fry

Knowing he was going to Dillingham at the height of the commercial red salmon season, my friend Jerry invited a large group of friends to a fish fry. He left the impression with the group that he was going fishing and would supply the fish. He didn’t mention, however, that he was going commercial fishing …

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Deshka Daredevil

My first fly-in fishing trip in Alaska was to the Deshka River in 1959 during silver salmon season. We fished all evening and had the mouth of the river to ourselves. Back then, Bob Farmer was a teenager tending his father’s boat rental business a mile up from where the Deshka meets the Big Susitna. …

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Copper River Dip Net

We drove to Chitna to witness Alaska residents taking red salmon with long-handled dip nets. The Copper River’s water near Chitna is filled with glacial silt. Thousands upon thousands of returning red salmon run the river to their natal clear-water stream entering the silty Copper. The State allows residents to subsistence-fish using dip nets. Experienced …

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