One In a Row
From reading books and writing reports as part of his school studies, John Rosedale got the idea he wanted to come to Alaska. As John talked about Alaska, his father, Miles, conceived an idea for a father-son fishing outing. Miles’s business schedule demanded him to fly monthly from his home in Arcadia, California, to Oregon. …
Enid Brown’s First Fish on a Fly
Enid Brown, a Bering Sea Eskimo, has taken thousands of fish. As a young girl, growing up along the Fish River, she spent her summers in the fish camp. She was taught how to catch fish in a subsistence net by her mother and her grandmother. She had never fished with a fly rod and …
Florette C Makes The Evening News
The Florette C doesn’t look like any charter boat I’ve been on, and the captain is also quite different—she’s a lady, Dianne Dubuk. The boat doesn’t have the traditional rack on back with broomstick-like halibut rods hanging overhead. Other boats’ decks are flat at the back, allowing six anglers to belly up to the rail …
Florette C Species Specific
The last angler on board the Florette C arrived at precisely the designated departure time. Even before introductions could be extended, Captain Dianne Dubuk was detailing the features of her boat, Coast Guard safety requirements, the location of snacks, and the lunch menu. It was a beautiful, early March morning. Winds were calm; the sun’s …